Healing from Affairs : Live Events | Beyond Affairs
Healing From Affairs infidelity seminar

Healing from Affairs

Is your marriage broken?

Disclosure of an extramarital affair sends any marriage into a tailspin. It's devastating for everyone involved, from children and parents to friends and co-workers. The rippling negative effects include your job, physical health and finances.

Pulling out of this tailspin is one of the hardest things you'll ever do, and many couples never make it because they don't have proper guidance or the skills. It's especially difficult, because both spouses hurt tremendously, but in very different ways.

Our Healing From Affairs seminar is specifically designed for couples struggling to heal from the trauma of an affair.

We aim to have one mentor couple who has healed their marriage present for every five couples in the room. There is also at least one healed mentor/coach couple present where the wife was the one who had the affair to ensure couples where the wife has been unfaithful feel completely comfortable and can equally identify with everything that is taught all weekend.

Unfortunately, many couples never really heal because they never deal with the affair, why it happened, and what will be different in the future to ensure it doesn't happen again.

“Brian and I are more in love and stronger than ever after Brian’s affair in 2000. I have no more pain attached to the memory of the affair. Candidly we will take you through the processes required for genuine healing.”

– Anne Bercht
Anne Bercht receiving Smart Marriages Award from the Smart Marriages Conference
Anne Bercht receiving the Smart Marriages AWard from the Smart Marriages Conference in San Francisco in 2008

If you're the betrayed spouse the pain is so intense, you often feel you cannot breathe. Just performing routine tasks, like driving kids to school, can feel insurmountable. You feel like you're losing your mind, you can't think straight, and you’re wracked with questions and feelings of disillusionment. It's impossible to begin making sound decisions and heal when you're in this state.

If you're the one who had the affair, you may feel confused. You may feel no one understands you or even cares to try. You're sorry for what you've done. You love your spouse. You're committed to your marriage. You've said you're sorry. What more can you do? Why can't your spouse just get over it? You feel no good can possibly come from rehashing this horrible deed over and over.

How do two hurting people who love each other, yet are experiencing so much pain put it all back together?

Now there is a way to restore your marriage and your love, fully, in a shorter time, and with less agony. Our Healing From Affairs seminars will transform you and your spouse, offering a new way forward to a rewarding, fulfilling and fully healed marriage relationship.

Healing From Affairs will answer these questions and more:

  • Why did this happen?
  • What will be different in the future to ensure it doesn't happen again?
  • How can we quit fighting and start moving forward?
  • Why doesn't my spouse understand me?
  • Why doesn't my spouse seem to care what I’m feeling?
  • Why doesn't my spouse listen to me?
  • How will I ever feel good about myself again?
  • How can I forgive? Be forgiven?
  • How do we rebuild trust in our marriage?
  • How do we re-establish a fulfilling sex life?
  • How does someone overcome the obsessive thoughts and painful triggers?
  • What it was you loved about your spouse in the first place?

Restore your marriage, find genuine reconciliation and discover a life you never knew was possible with your spouse. Sign up for Healing From Affairs today!

The Healing from Affairs 3-day Live Event includes:

  • 2 lunches
  • All course materials
  • In-depth personality profile for each spouse
  • 12 weeks of follow-up
  • A life changing experience that will improve your life no matter what your future holds.


  • Day 1: 1 pm - 10 pm
  • Day 2: 9 am - 10 pm
  • Day 3: 8 am - 4 pm

Appropriate breaks are scheduled throughout.

The experience is comfortable, engaging and interactive. You will be surprised how fast the time goes.

Please inquire for further details. Call 360-306-3367 or email info@beyondaffairs.com


We care deeply about each and every couple and individual we help and are 100% committed to their success. We are so sure this seminar will help you, we guarantee it. Read our guarantee.

Upcoming Events

  • Healing from Affairs Dayton, Ohio Nov. 15, 2024Nov. 17, 2024 $4300.00

    A 3-day intensive designed to help couples heal their marriage after marital betrayal.

  • Healing from Affairs Dayton, Ohio Feb. 28, 2025March 2, 2025 $4300.00

    A 3-day intensive designed to help couples heal their marriage after marital betrayal.

Healing from Affairs

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