Anne and Brian Bercht are North America's leading affair recovery specialists. They have appeared in media around the world, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Phil, Today Show, ABC News, CTV, Daily Mail, Newsweek, USA Today and The Seven Network.
Married in 1981, their pre-affair marriage was a good one. In 2000, eighteen years after their wedding, their marriage was devastated by Brian's affair. It was a long and gruelling road to full recovery.
Once they healed their marriage, they looked back on their journey and asked, ‘Affairs are such a common problem, why isn't anyone addressing them properly?’ This was the motivation to help other couples restore their lives and love, often against seemingly impossible odds. To date they have assisted thousands of couples turn the page on infidelity and move on to fulfilling married lives.
Anne and Brian are authors of the bestselling book, My Husband's Affair Became the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me and have created life-changing intensive programs designed to help couples and individuals repair their lives after being rocked by infidelity.
They are in-demand speakers, addressing groups as varied as professional therapists and counsellors to marriage retreats and faith-based organizations. They have over fifteen years of experience personally coaching couples and individuals in affair recovery. They have also developed a growing team of mentors and coaches to assist with this work.
Anne is also the director of BAN, the International Beyond Affairs Network, a grassroots organization of local support groups for people dealing with the devastating impact of a spouse's affair.
Anne and Brian have been married for 39 years (20 years of monogamy since the affair). They have two grown married daughters, a deceased son, and four grandchildren. They reside in Blaine, Washington, USA.